Detective Comics #659 (5/93) Graded CGC 9.6


SKU: 4543384024

Limit: 1

Detective Comics #659 from 5/93 offers a glimpse into the era's iconic storytelling. Featuring "knightfall" part 2, this issue is a must-have for collectors. Add this CGC 9.6 graded comic to your collection today!
Attribute Details
CertNumber 4543384024
DisplayGrade 9.6
GradeCategory Modern
PageQuality WHITE
ArtComments Chuck Dixon story, Norm Breyfogle art, Kelley Jones cover
KeyComments "Knightfall" part 2
CollectibleID 31023
CollectibleType C
Title Detective Comics
Issue 659
IssueDate 5/93
Publisher D.C. Comics
Year 1993
PopulationAtGrade 23
population_7_0 1
population_8_0 1
population_8_5 2
population_9_0 7
population_9_2 9
population_9_4 15
population_9_6 23
population_9_8 78
GraderNotes wear spine