X-Men #51 (4/96) Graded CGC 9.8


SKU: 4550766013

Limit: 1

X-Men #51 from 4/96 offers a glimpse into the era's iconic storytelling. Featuring andy kubert & cam smith cover., 1st mark waid work on x-men., this issue is a must-have for collectors. Add this CGC 9.8 graded comic to your collection today!
Attribute Details
CertNumber 4550766013
DisplayGrade 9.8
GradeCategory Modern
PageQuality WHITE
ArtComments Mark Waid story, Pascual Ferry, John Dell,, Mark Morales & Vince Russell art
KeyComments Andy Kubert & Cam Smith cover., 1st Mark Waid work on X-Men.
CollectibleID 31062
CollectibleType C
Title X-Men
Issue 51
IssueDate 4/96
Publisher Marvel Comics
Year 1996
PopulationAtGrade 18
population_9_4 2
population_9_8 18