Punisher #47 (4/91) Graded CGC 9.6


SKU: 4530367006

Limit: 1

Punisher #47 from 4/91 offers a glimpse into the era's iconic storytelling. This issue is a must-have for collectors. Add this CGC 9.6 graded comic to your collection today!
Attribute Details
CertNumber 4530367006
DisplayGrade 9.6
GradeCategory Modern
PageQuality WHITE
ArtComments Mike Baron story, Hugh Haynes & Jos� Marzan Jr. art, Kesel, Haynes, Romita & Austin cover
CollectibleID 17600
CollectibleType C
Title Punisher
Issue 47
IssueDate 4/91
Publisher Marvel Comics
Year 1991
PopulationAtGrade 5
population_5_0 1
population_8_0 1
population_8_5 2
population_9_0 1
population_9_2 2
population_9_4 2
population_9_6 5
population_9_8 16
GraderNotes spine stress lines spine