Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help

What is included in the VIP Packages?

Each VIP package entitles you to:

- Jump the line -

- One autograph from the signer(s) you select- 

- One selfie (when available as an option) -  

- The opportunity to purchase additional autographs, selfies and voice recordings-

- The opportunity to purchase add-ons to get signed, such as Funko Pops, prints and more...

*Instructions will be emailed to you by the time the show opens on Wednesday 10/16.*

Can I bring my own items to be autographed?

You may bring your own item to get signed. Most signers have different rates for their autographs depending on the item getting signed. Standard autographs tend to be for flats 8x10 or smaller. Larger items and 3D objects like Funko Pops and props will usually be premium. Signers will also usually bring their own merch to get signed as well.

Is there anything besides the autograph at the signing event?

Most signers offer selfies and some offer voice recordings. Prices for these services will be displayed at the table.

Do I need to buy tickets online?

We highly recommend purchasing VIP packages to help minimize your waiting time! No need to buy an online ticket to join our signing event—our lines are first come, first served. There's no lottery system, and we're not connected to anything Funko or NYCC is doing. Just come on over, and hop in line!

Do you take cash at the booth?

Yes, we accept cash, credit cards and smartphone payment system such as Apple Pay. 

I might have a lot more questions on the day of the event...

If you have questions at the show, ask our staff. That's what we're there for!

Is there any chance the event schedule might change or be canceled?

Yes, please note that all schedules and pricing are subject to change without notice.