Detective Comics #751 (12/00) Graded CGC 9.8


SKU: 4538900002

Limit: 1

Detective Comics #751 from 12/00 offers a glimpse into the era's iconic storytelling. Featuring 1st appearance of sasha bordeaux., poison ivy appearance., this issue is a must-have for collectors. Add this CGC 9.8 graded comic to your collection today!
Attribute Details
CertNumber 4538900002
DisplayGrade 9.8
GradeCategory Modern
PageQuality WHITE
ArtComments Greg Rucka story, Shawn Martinbrough & Steve Mitchell art, Dave Johnson cover
KeyComments 1st appearance of Sasha Bordeaux., Poison Ivy appearance.
CollectibleID 61692
CollectibleType C
Title Detective Comics
Issue 751
IssueDate 12/00
Publisher D.C. Comics
Year 2000
PopulationAtGrade 10
population_9_6 5
population_9_8 10