R2-D2 (Pink) 420 - Funko Shop Exclusive [Damaged: 7.5/10]
R2-D2 (Pride) 639
R2-D2 (Snowman) 560 [Damaged: 6/10] **Broken Insert**
R2-D2 (Snowman) 560 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Rachel Green (80s, Friends) 703 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Rahzar (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie) 1137
Rahzar (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie) 1137 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Raichu (Pokémon) 645 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Ramonda (Black Panther) 1111 [Damaged: 5/10]
Randy Orton (WWE) 116
Randy Orton (WWE) 116 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Randy Orton (WWE) 116 [Damaged: 7/10]
Raphael (8-Bit Neon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 06 - Funko Shop Exclusive
Raphael (Artist Series, No Stack) 57 - Target Exclusive [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Raphael (Comics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 31 - Previews Exclusive [Damaged: 7/10]
Raphael (Retro Toys, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 19
Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie) 1135 [Damaged: 6.5/10]
Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie) 1135 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie) 1135 [Damaged: 7/10]
Raptor (Fortnite) 436 [Damaged: 7/10]
Rapunzel & Pascal 147
Rapunzel (Dancing) 223 [Damaged: 6.5/10]
Rapunzel (Dancing) 223 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Rapunzel w/ Pin (Gold, Dancing) 223 - Funko Shop Exclusive [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Rat Fink (Black Chrome) 15 - 2019 Summer Convention Exclusive [Damaged: 7/10]
Rat Fink (Green Chrome) 15 - 2019 Summer Convention Exclusive
Rat Fink (Icons, Glow in the Dark) 15 - 2019 Toy Tokyo/ SDCC Exclusive [Damaged: 6/10]
Ratcatcher II (w/ Sebastian, The Suicide Squad Movie) 1113
Rattata (Pokémon) 595 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Ravager Thor (Thor Love and Thunder) 1085 - Entertainment Earth Exclusive
Raven (Justice League) 441 - 2022 Winter Exclusive
Raven (Justice League) 441 - 2022 Winter Exclusive [Damaged: 7/10]
Raven (That's So Raven) 1348 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Ravonna Renslayer w/ Miss Minutes (Loki) 899
Raya (Raya and the Last Dragon) 998
Raya (Warrior Pose, Raya and the Last Dragon) 999
Razor Fist (Shang-Chi) 849 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Razor Ramon (WWE) 47
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 5/10]
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 5/10] **Cracked Stack**
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 6.5/10]
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 6/10]
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 6/10] **Cracked Stack**
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 7.5/10]
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 7/10]
Ready to Die (Notorious B.I.G, Albums) 01 [Damaged: 7/10] **Tear in Seal**
Reanimation (Linkin Park, Albums) 27 [Damaged: 7/10]
Reaper (Overwatch) 93 [Damaged: 6.5/10]
Rebecca Cunningham (TaleSpin) 443 [Damaged: 7/10]
Red Dagger (Ms. Marvel) 1080